i am thankful that september is here. in august, i felt like i had one foot in america and one foot in asia, and it's just a weird feeling. september marks the start of a new month. a new season. a new school year.
while many of you spent your labor day weekend tailgating at a college football game or jet-skiing on the lake...my weekend consisted of these things:
dinner at a "western" restaurant with other friends from our city
a midnight viewing of the defending national champions' first game!
(i stayed mostly awake until 3:30 in the morning. so i am especially glad we won! war eagle!)
a trip to the junk market to search for some "treasures."
(i bought an old, wooden trunk for storage in my room. the lady i bought it from said it was from an old dynasty...hmmm...mulan, anyone??)
a visit to the hair salon to get our hair washed!
this country does this funny thing where they turn off the water without warning.
(read my post about it here.)
total cost of a hair wash and style: $2.35
a trip to the meat and produce market on monday morning.
it was bustling! and always a sight to see!
so, even if it is still 100 degrees here and the leaves are still as green as they can be...
happy fall, y'all!
fall in alabama today. 60 degrees. love this post. happy fall from dixieland!